Final Test babyscholing English Stap 1 van 31 3% Name* Surname Lastname E-mail* A well-prepared environment is a space with corners consisting of:* Materials of wood, iron, plastic and fabric Soft and light materials Materials arranged by color Materials that invite a child to practice different skills How do you help a baby give words to his inner and outer world?* By telling the baby what reactions and emotions you see in him By explaining the baby’s behavior By naming everything to the baby By giving the baby a lot of predictability and making a lot of contact What is a good basic position to put a baby down on a flat, firm surface?* On the belly In the baby’s preferred position On the back Preferably on a sloping crawling box or with the upper body on a cushion (of a maximum height of 10 cm) What can a child skip (in its development) if he or she is placed in a sitting position and cannot yet sit down on his or her own?* Rolling over, crawling and crawling Walk Butt sliding Pulling up A baby initially has the following reflexes:* Mororeflex, sucking reflex, pulling reflex Sucking reflex, mororeflex, searchreflex Mororeflex and sucking reflex All of the above answers apply What is a suitable toy for a baby who is lying in the (floor) playpen and wants to grab it?* A doll, a soft football and a puzzle A farmer’s handkerchief, a crinkle book and a honeycomb ball A stuffed animal, a phone call and a stress ball A smooth ball, a colander and a little car What contributes to the development of self-confidence in a baby?* Success experiences by being able to follow your own initiatives Encouragement from an adult Compliments on the results Help and support from parents Object permanence means:* The knowledge that an object continues to exist even when it is out of sight The knowledge that objects are yours The knowledge that your parents are objects The knowledge that the mother is an individual What is the effect of passive toys?* It makes children active It makes children bored It limits creativity in babies It prevents babies from focusing Which 3 corners are important for babies to develop certain skills?* Corners to relax, retreat and sit in a bouncer Corners to build, sort and collect Corners to lie under a baby gym, to care for and to carry around Corners for climbing, rolling and lying in front of a mirror What is proportionately larger in a baby?* The torso The head The arms The ears Active or passive material?* Passive Active How can you, as a PM-er, increase mutual interactions between babies?* By placing babies near each other By sitting at the table with many babies at the same time By giving the babies 1 toy together By telling the babies a lot In what are parents generally the most interested during a transfer? Which answer is the least correct?* What their baby has newly discovered What or who their baby played with The times their baby was fed The number of poopy diapers From what month can a baby eat solid food?* From 4 months From 5 months From 6 months From 7 months How can a positive spiral arise in a baby's eating and sleeping rhythm?* Child following approach By not letting the baby sleep too long during the day By feeding the baby on the clock By following the parents’ strict schedule What conditions are necessary for a baby to play and develop?* A fixed feeding and sleeping rhythm That the baby has slept and eaten enough Challenging and active play material A space that is as low-stimulus as possible How can the PM staff prevent babies from experiencing unnecessary moments of stress in one day? Which answer is incorrect?* By walking away from the group as little as possible Through good planning, preparation and mutual division of tasks By putting on music when babies are restless By responding to the needs of each baby as much as possible What does respectful care of a baby lead to?* To predictability, emotional security and language building To a happy baby For an efficient changing round To independence, which gives the PM person more time After babies have played for a while in the different corners, the room looks like an bomb exploded. This no longer invites the babies to explore. What can a PM do to solve this?* She organizes and rearranges the toys regularly (5 to 7 times a day) for inspiration. By storing half of the material. Help the children to play again. Cleaning up everything together with the babies What has a major influence on the group atmosphere and therefore on the play of babies?* The activities that the pmers offer The inner peace of the pmers A varied range of materials Peace, cleanliness and regularity All of the above answers are correct. If a child is allowed to move freely and develop at his own pace…* it gives the child self-confidence It develops faster It makes him or her feel more at ease it gives the child self-confidence Why are transitional positions so important?* They teach the baby to maintain balance and exert force They ensure that the baby goes through all stages of motor development They help the baby get into a more difficult position They ensure that the baby develops at its own pace How many times per half hour does a baby of around 9 months change position on average, provided it is given space?* 15x 45x 60x 25x Why should you be careful about what you want to teach a child?* You may frustrate the child by trying to teach him something You may be making the game it was playing too difficult You may deprive the child of the pleasure of discovering something new You may be trying to teach the child something that he can already do on his own What should adults take care of according to Emmi Pikler?* That children can move freely and feel safe A quiet, safe environment in which children cannot hurt themselves Space in which children can follow their own initiatives Respect for the autonomy of children in a challenging group What is meant by 'an active rest' in the group?* Because the children move actively, they enjoy themselves and there is peace in the group Passive materials make the children active in their play A correct alternation between active play and moments of rest The children move and play actively and there are few conflicts or crying children Why is it beneficial for a child to experience some frustration?* As a result, the child gains experiences of success This helps the child develop self-confidence This makes the child more resilient The child learns to help himself What do we mean by 'emotional refueling'?* That a child will feel comfortable in his own skin That a child experiences quality attention that recharges him That a child receives a lot of attention by the pm-er That a child feels emotionally understood by the pm-er What is the main function of crying in a baby?* 1st signal of hunger, sleep and discomfort Discharging stimuli Removing toxins All the above answers CommentsDit veld is bedoeld voor validatiedoeleinden en moet niet worden gewijzigd.